Camila skin, Stupid Cupid hunt gift!

Camila skin gift

Check out our gift for Stupid Cupid hunt. Catwa appliers with matching Maitreya and SLINK appliers plus a classic avatar skin as body base!
Hint: “Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home”

Stupid Cupid hunt

That Cupid, he’s so STUPID! Flying around, shooting arrows everywhere, flipping around making everyone dizzy, trailing little hearts wherever he goes. He’s trying to make love matches all across Second Life! He has no clue what he’s doing, going from store to store and shooting random things-he’s making a mess of the place, shooting anything he sees.

It’s time to stop cupid before he gets any more stupid! Find the arrows he’s left laying around Second Life for amazing gifts.

Come and hunt for that Stupid Cupid from 3rd to 28th February. Check out for hints, URL links and gift previews.



Hello, Skinnies! This week we have an extra long round-up for you, since the last post was early to accommodate Black Friday. I hope you found tons of deals to fill your skin closet (try not to imagine what a freakish horror show a skin closet would actually look like. eep!).

Please enjoy browsing all the latest skin releases at your leisure:

New Releases:

Insol – Released Sarah for Catwa at Tres Chic.


E. Vary – has three lovely new releases on their marketplace, Nadia, Shasha, and Carolina. They also have Mei at the Vogue Fair.  All skins include Catwa, Akeruka, and Omega appliers.

e-vary-nadia-skin-8-tones-_-fat-pack-v2-1 e-vary-sasha-skin-6-tones-_-fat-pack-v2-1 e-vary-carolina-skin-8-tones-_-fat-pack-v2-1 e-vary-mei-skin-8-tones-_-fat-pack-v2-1

Session – released Ella for Catwa heads at their main store location.


7 Deadly s{K}ins – released Raja with Omega and LAQ appliers at Lost & Found. They released Lexy with and without freckles in Omega and Catwa appliers at Twe12ve. Josie for Omega and LAQ is at Frozzen Fair.

AlterEgo – released Victoria for Omega appliers and Classic heads at their main store location.


Glam Affair – released three skins at Uber this round: Misha for Lelutka, Renee for Catwa, and Zuzia for LAQ. They also released Barbara Snow Days for Catwa at the Tannenbaum Christmas Market.

glam-affair-uber glam-affair-barbara-snow-days

Birth – released Winter for Catwa at their main store location.


Sales, Offers, and Group Gifts:

7 Deadly s{K}ins – has an advent calendar with a free gift each day of December. Group join is required. They are also a part of the KittyCats Advent Calendar for day 12. And are participating in the WOH.

vendor-poster-advent-candie 7-deadly-skins-woh2-exclusive-amina

WoW Skins – has Janette as a group gift which includes LAQ, Omega, and Catwa appliers, as well as a classic skin.


AlterEgo – is offering 12 days of Christmas for VIP members, and VIP membership is free until Dec. 19th! Don’t forget to take advantage of this amazing deal.


That’s the skinny, Skinnies. I hope you enjoyed this week’s roundup, and I hope you change your skins like you change your shoes.❤

❤ (multi)Muse

P.S. Don’t forget to join the in-world group for updates right in your viewer and chat with ALL the awesome people. Just copy and paste the following into your local chat:





For The Guys

*:.  .:*☆*:. .:* FOR THE GUYS  *:.  .:*☆*:. .:*

All the Major Body appliers are available in store at 7 Deadly s{K}ins for Maitreya, Belleza, Omega Appliers, Slink, TMP, Banned Lena etc….


along with 13 other guy items to be found during the hunt!promo-poster-juro

For BUY NOW 2:

*:.  .:*☆*:. .:* MOH hunt *:.  .:*☆*:. .:*


Hunts at 7 Deadly Skins

We are participating in the Jack or Jill hunt and have a prize for the guys on the Jack Path.

Jack or Jill Hunt

Also at this time we still have the Member only Hunt going on for the ladies



Liliskins Candy Fair Skins, October Gift, and Dia de los Muertos Skins

Lots of fun things are happening at Liliskins! The first sweet thing is a batch of delicious skins for the 2013 Candy Fair. These are so delicious you just want to lick them! These skins will be available exclusively at the Liliskins Candy Fair booth until the Fair ends.  After that, they will be available in the store.  Currently, you can pick up the demos in the store if you’re unable to enter the Candy Fair sims!  Here they are in their edible yumminess!

Liliskins Ad - Candy Cane

Liliskins Ad - Candy Sprinkles

Liliskins Ad - Candy Corn

All three skins come with all 7 skin tones, 2 cleavage options (natural cleavage and enhanced cleavage), 3 brow color options, 5 modifiable brow shapers, and a modifiable shape that is pre-made in 3 of the most popular mesh body sizes – S, M and L. Liliskins is on Sim 3, which is Candy Cove. Here’s the SLURL to the cute little candy house where you can find these sweet skins: Candy Cove 183, 124, 21

Next is the October Gift. My mom was born in October and I’ve always been fascinated by October’s birthstone, the fiery Opal. There’s no way to perfectly capture the multicolored iridescence and sparkle of an opal, it just can’t be done. I’ve done my best though, and I love what came out of it!

Liliskins Ad - October Opal

I did take the colors from inside an opal, the blue, the green, the yellow, the hint of pink and the flashes of white and pulled them all together in the eye shadow. Like an opal, you won’t see them all at a glance, but once you start to look closer, you’ll see little bits of color here and there that you didn’t notice the first time. It’s truly one of my favorite skins thus far, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

As always, you can pick it up in the store for free, just remember to wear your Liliskins group tag. Group membership is free, so if you’re not a member already, it’s no cost to join!

Finally, some Dia de los Muertos. This skin means a lot to me, and I hope that you love it!  I did a lot of research of Dia de los Muertos, the traditions and the meanings before I made this skin.  I also did a lot of reading and research on Sugar Skulls as well, and learned a lot about the history and traditions and did my best to represent that history appropriately.  I present to you my two offerings for the Cirque du Freak hunt:

Liliskins Ad - Cirque du Freak

Liliskins Ad - Cirque du Freak Traditional

There are two versions, one with the traditional white face and one with the more modern natural face under the makeup. Both versions come with the rose headdress as well as a single hair rose to put in your hair, all 7 skin tones, and both natural and enhanced cleavage options for the whopping price of 5L$. There is a hint giver in the front of the store, and these are really easy to find. If you need help, ask me! These are only available at Liliskins, and will be out for the month of October so you still have a good bit of time to find them. Have fun!

Skin Addiction