Hi everyone ♥
I promised some new eyebrows and here they are!
All three brows are fitted to Lelutka Evo + Evo X and Catwa HDPRO. Head versions sold separately
You can grab these for 99L$ until monday, December 6 11:59pm SLT.

Hi everyone ♥
I promised some new eyebrows and here they are!
All three brows are fitted to Lelutka Evo + Evo X and Catwa HDPRO. Head versions sold separately
You can grab these for 99L$ until monday, December 6 11:59pm SLT.
Hi everyone ♥
We have some goodies at Anthem event. You read it right! Nuve is a guest at Anthem. How amazing that is?!
Full version contains:
– Face skin (brows + browless)
– Basic body skin (Universal fit)
– Shape
– Evo X ears included in Evo X version of the skin
Lip tint is sold as fat pack of 16 colors and brows are sold also as a pack of 6 colors – head versions sold separately
Looking for some makeup for that special night? You can stop right here, because we got you!
Date Night makeup is a gorgeous BOM (Bakes on mesh) set with 16 eyeshadows and 8 lipsticks.
This product is fitted to Catwa HDPRO/Lelutka Evo Classic/Lelutka evo X (head versions sold separately).
Available now at Dubai and at Mainstore after event will be over.
Hi dolls,
Let me itroduce you to Hope, because we all gotta have one, right? Pun intended.
There are some changes coming with Hope.
We’ve decided to no longer offer skin multipacks, as I kept receiving many requests from people who wanted to purchase only one skin tone.
So from now on, all our future skin releases will be available in single tone packs and price will be reduced to 790L$
– Face skin (brows + browless)
– Basic body skin v2 (Maitreya + Legacy fit)
– Shape
– Cooling filter (Tinter) to tone down the saturation if you prefer cooler skin tones
– Evo X ears included in Evo X version of the skin
Ahhh it’s been a while, right?
I promised the new eyebrows will be for sale soon and here they are!
Natural Arch eyebrows were created for Lelutka Evo + Evo X and Catwa HDPRO.
Lilith Eyebrows and Bushy eyebrows are both available for Genus, Catwa HDPRO, LeL Evo and I updated them also for Evo X ♥
All 3 updated eyebrows are mainstore release and will be dicounted to 99L$ for VIP GROUP members only (Wear your group tag to get a refund).
If you are not a VIP member, the eyebrows are available for a full price.
Hello dolls ♥
You loved the BOM bubblegum lipgloss so much, I decided to recreate it in HD version for our lovely heads – Catwa HDPRO, LeL Evo and Evo X.
This release is really hugeeee. It comes in 10 packs per 6 colors, so the fat pack version contains 60 lipsticks.
Wanna hear something cool?
It’s a weekend sale yay! (Sale ends on Sunday 14th a minute before midnight SLT.)
Pack of 6 colors: 60L$
Pack of 60 colors: 550L$
** Please note that Evo and Evo X have separate vendor.
The reason for that is, the lips on Evo X look a little bit different than intended, so I created Evo X specific fit.
Please, try demo and pick version you like better. Lel Evo HD lips will work on Evo X and vice versa, however separate purchase is recommended for best possible fit.
Hello everyone ♥
You wanted to see more BOM eyebrows from me, so here they are.
You specifically asked about naturally groomed brows for guys and natural/bushy eyebrows for ladies. I hope you like them.
All my eyebrows are being sold as a Fat Pack containing 6 tintable colors.
Discounted by 20% for the weekend at Mainstore
Released at full price on Marketplace
Female DEMO
Hi lovelies ♥
I know it took me longer then expected, RL work is pretty crazy during Christmas peak. Sorry about that. But here it is, meet Destiny. Our newest skin for all chocolate beauties out there. I hope you are excited about her the same way I am
There were some updates along with the price change, but I promise it’s worth it.
– Body skin texture was updated to newer version
– new skin tones were created
– Cooling filter was added (to tone down the saturation and make a cooler skin tone)
Ful version contents:
✓ 3 Skin tones (Tan or Dark pack)
✓ Face – eyebrows and browless version
✓ Body skin with Legacy nipples
(Universal skin without shading between fingers and toes to ensure best possible fit for majority of SL bodies. Body skin is already built in the skin layer)
✓ Hide nipples option (to be able to wear nipples from your body HUD or 3rd party BOM nipples
✓ Nipple fix for Maitreya body (the body comes with Legacy nipples by default)
✓ Cooling filter – If you prefer colder skin tones, wear this filter above your skin and ✓ under your make-up
✓ Shape
✓ Eyebrows shape
Matching tintable eyebrows is available for purchase separately
Destiny will be discounted by 40% until the end of the 2020 ♥
Hello my darlings ♥
Another surprise for you!
I created Lucy skin originally for Catwa HDPRO and Lelutka Evolution only, but it was requested so many times, I decided to create Genus version too.
Skin pack includes:
3 Skin tones eyebrows + browless version, built in body skin, neck fix (must wear!), feet shading for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, nipples hider
Skin is available in Nordic, Light, Medium, Tan packages.
Tintable eyebrows is available separately.
The best news of all – Tan package is a VIP GROUP GIFT! ♥
All packs are 30% OFF until the end of November
The body pack now contains:
3 skin tones (Slim or chubby version), 4 types of cleavages (small – flat, medium – cleavage 1, large – cleavage 2 and pushup – cleavage 3), shading for feet, hider for nipples and nipple fix for Maitreya, Slink and Belleza bodies), freckles and moles.
Slim version contains the old body update in case you prefer the older one.
Body v3 is optional, you don’t have to purchase it in order to wear Nuve skins, because we offer complete skin inside the package. However, skin packages contain basic body without addons, so if you want updated and more realistic one with options, body v3 is your choice.
Body is based on Addons. Meaning you need to wear body first, if you use different body than Legacy, wear nipple fix for your body, add cleavage and feet shading.
30% OFF until the end of November
* The update was rolled out, if you didn’t receive your copy, visit Nuve Mainstore and click the Redelivery terminal
Catwa Head Applier & LelutKa Head Appliers & Omega Compatible
Shape included for Lelutka GUY or VICTOR Catwa
I am proud to introducing a new skin : LOUIS SKIN
TAXI to DEMOS : VENDETTA @t Mainstore