-Birth- 60 L$ HW Sale, Redeux

60L$ Happy Weekend Mainstore sales event by ACCESS.


This time round we ‘Star’ Pupils. Why bother with regular old circles in the middle when you can have
glitzy glamorous stars.
Usually 175L$ this weekend just 60L$



Tp on down to Birth!



@ Redeux (Starts 14th)





50L off Electric Eyes and 50% on other items

-Birth- ‘Damon’ Lelutka Appliers @ Uber, ‘Oracle’ Eyes @ Shiny Shabby, Wanderlust Sale 50L

@ Uber (Starts 25th)


-Birth- 'Damon' Lelutka Applier Advert


– BOM and Hud Versions
– Shape included (head in advert is Lelutka’s ‘Skylar’) [full version is mod, demo is not]
– Black and Browless Yebrows
– Tintable White Hairbase.
– ‘Off’ Buttons for Hairbase.
– 7 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).

@ Shiny Shabby
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shiny Shabby/174/157/22

-Birth- OracleTexture Pack for Glimmer Eyes
‘Oracle’ Glimmer Eye Texture Pack

Simple but not plain! Nice clean design with big bold eye patterns.

Comes with pupil and no pupil to pair with Glimmer Pupil dilation or just an alternative look.
Also 3 lens highlight textures from grey tone to vividly coloured.

These texture packs are add-ons, they only work with Birth’s ‘GLIMMER’ EYE SYSTEM [Sold Seperatey]

○●○○●○○ WANDERLUST SALE ●○○●○○●

Another fun round of Wanderlust.

-Birth- 'Wanderlust' Sale Flower Makeup 50L_001

Swirling twirling flower makeup in a variety of colours for Catwa heads.

All just 50L this weekend only!

Tp on down to Birth!

Birth – ‘Atlas’ Catwa & Omega Hairbase, SL17B Shop & Hop Event

@ MOM (Starts 20th)
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunset Ambiance Island/45/90/28

‘Atlas The Titan’ Unisex Hairbase

-Birth- 'Atlas' Catwa & Omega Hairbase Advert
Atlas – condemned to hold up the celestial heavens for eternity, holding the world on his vast
shoulders, an undeniable archetype etched in to this shortly cropped buzzcut.

3 versions, tintable to any colour.

Catwa & Omega Versions.


SL17B Shop & Hop Event
June 19 thru Sunday, July 12, 2020.

Birth - SL17Bday Sale 25% Off

A weekend sales event put on by the Lindens no less. Everything
setup has a 25% discount, including some folks favourite erotic animations, skins and Glimmer eye products.

-Birth- ‘Stay Sharp’ Hairbase @ Mancave, ‘Lotus’ Hairbase Wanderlust Sale 50L

@ Mancave (Event open: May 17th – 1PM SLT)

‘Stay Sharp’ Unisex Hairbase

-Birth- 'Stay Sharp' Catwa & Omega Hairbase Advert

Only the sharpest of knifes went in to slashing out this hairbase. Stay sharp, edgy style, with circle variants and gradient for a tighter look.

3 versions, tintable to any colour.

Catwa & Omega Versions


○●○○●○○ WANDERLUST SALE ●○○●○○●

-Birth- Wanderlust Sale 50L - Lotus Hairbase_001

This month we have ‘Lotus’ unisex hairbase. just 50L

Both styles Catwa and Omega, coming with defined slashes also at the start of sides.

Available in three versions – plain, gradient sides and sharp sides Ladies and gents can wear it :).

Tp to Birth mainstore for the sale –

-Birth- FANTASY FAIRE 2020! Uber, Wanderlust, “Welcome Back” Sale

@ Fantasy Faire (Starts 23rd April)
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Auxentios Pass/171/87/61
‘Firehands’ & ‘Spell Book’ Effect Pack

-Birth- 'Fire Hands' Effect Advert

-Birth- 'Spell Book' Effect Advert

Decidedly fantastical eye effects coming to one of my favourite events of the year. Fantasy Faire 2020,
all proceeds going to charity, last year we all raised $68,173 USD, L$17,043,433!

Details of this incredible event here –

These packs include basic eyes, that work alone, and the eye effect also works with Birth ‘Glimmer Eyes’ for a whole more bundle of functionality. Coming with greyscale (tintable) and coloured versions.

Firehands – Potent eery fire bursting from a hand floating ethereally on your eyeballs
Spellbook – What says fantastical like a magical book full of alchemy and spellcraft?




@ Uber (Starts 25th)

‘Water’ Effect Pack

-Birth- Water' Glimmer Eye Effect Pack Advert

All things water themed in this pack. Twinkly fractals of light catching above and below water,
an eerie oozing bubble that can look reflective on lower opacity, dripping splashes,
an oozing, bulging, morphing orb.

These effect packs are add-ons, they only work with Birth’s ‘GLIMMER’ EYE SYSTEM [Sold Seperatey]



Another fun round of Wanderlust.

-Birth- Wanderlust 50L 24th April_001

Pretty dappled peacock makeup just 50L this weekend only!

Tp on down to Birth!

Welcome Back Event

“Theme: A welcome back event for all returning to Second Life during these changing times and for those who love to shop. Featuring discounted previous releases from some of the most loved brands in Second Life and an area for returning avatars  to discover what is happening around the grid.”

-Birth- Welcome Back 'Jiggle Juggs' Half Price_001

We have the highly popular ‘Jiggle Juggs’ at 50% the price, just L$ 163
from April 22nd – May 6th

Tp to Birth’s stand here –

-Birth- @ Skin Fair 2020 & Fetish Faire

@ Skin Fair 2020!


-Birth- 'Evan' Catwa Hud Advert
Freckles and boyish chin Evan has some youthful charms while still being
a powerful man package of handsome.



– 4 Eyebrow Colours.
– Browless Option.
– 6 Beards in Tintable White
– Black, Blonde, Brown, Red Hairbase Colours.
– Tintable White Hairbase.
– ‘Off’ Buttons for Hairbase and Beards.
– Shape included (head in advert is Catwa’s ‘Daniel’, works for them all but the shape was made for that.) [Demo is no mod, full version is modify]
– 6 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).


‘Hypnotic’ Effect Pack

-Birth- 'Hypnotic' Effect Pack for Glimmer Eyes
All things geared to hypnotising any that dare gaze in to your striking eyes.
Simple swirl, complex fluctuating fractals, vortext. With the customisability
can be a bold effect or subtle motion to your gaze.

These effect packs are add-ons, they only work with Birth’s ‘GLIMMER’ EYE SYSTEM [Sold Seperatey]



-Birth- 'Grope N Move' Bum Play Animation Advert

@ Fetish Fair (Starts 14th)

‘Grope N Move’ Bum Animation –

Wiggle this way and that, a nice mix of fast and smooth jiggling shenanigans here.

Previews –

-Birth- ‘Pat N Spank’ Animation @ WC, Freebie, RedeuxSale50%

@ Whore Couture Fair
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flair for Events/93/14/25

‘Pat N Spank!’ Bum Animation –

-Birth- 'Pat N' Spank' Bum Animation

Previews –

2 animations – a playful continuous patting and a more robust spank animation.3 hand widths and depths to match a range of booty sizes.

Redeux Sale 50% Off!


Adorable and or sensual animation to suck one’s thumb.

60 hand positions.
9 Smaller thumb rotations for even more fidelity to match shapes.
3 mouth widths for different looks/ mesh heads.

See preview ‘Watch in Action’ under main advert, or
P-Birth- Redeux Sale 'Thumb Sucking' Animation 50% Offreviews here –

For this March’s freebie –

-Birth- 'Feathers' Head Tattoo Catwa Applier

‘Family’ Catwa Head Tattoo

Ornate calligraphy depicting one of the most important words and concepts in all our
language ‘Family’.

3 styles included.

Tp on down to Birth!

-Birth- ‘Tactile Booty’ Animation @ Kinky, ‘Cason’ Catwa & ‘Bewitched’ Eyes @ UBER

@ Uber


-Birth- 'Cason' Catwa Applier Advert

Rugged handsome imperfection here. Assymetical with little realistic details and blemishes
on his chiselled angular face.


– Now includes BAKED ON MESH system layers.

– Black, Brown, Blonde, Red Eyebrows and Browless
– 6 Beards in Tintable White
– Black, Blonde, Brown, Red Hairbase Colours.
– Tintable White Hairbase.
– ‘Off’ Buttons for Hairbase and Beards.
– Shape included (head in advert is Catwa’s ‘Daniel’, works for them all but the shape was made for that.) [Demo is no mod, full version is modify]
– 6 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).


@ Uber

‘Bewitched’ Glimmer Eye Texture Pack

-Birth- 'Bewitched' Texture Pack for Glimmer Eyes

Uniquely detailed and textures, these slightly otherwordly eyes really need to be seen up close to appreciate.

These texture packs are add-ons, they only work with Birth’s ‘GLIMMER’ EYE SYSTEM [Sold Seperatey]


@ Kinky
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Liberty City/77/181/33

‘Tactile Booty’ Bum Animation

-Birth- 'Tactile Booty' Bum Animation Advert

1 fairly long animation style that smears, gropes, pulls one cheek, both, lets those
squishy orbs bounced after release.

Hand positions –
3 hip widths.
3 booty sizes.

-Birth- Wanderlust – Smouldering Eye Effect 50L, BOM Updates

○●○○●○○ WANDERLUST SALE ●○○●○○●

Wanderlust - Smouldering Eye Effect 50L

Another fun round of Wanderlust.

This month we have ‘Smouldering’ Eye Effect for Glimmer eyes, slashed massively from
275L to just 50L!


———– BOM UPDATES ———————-

Birth is rolling out BOM (Baked on Mesh) Updates
for it’s range of appliers. Anybody with pre-existing products
can get redeliveries as they are updated.

-Birth- Legacy Update 22nd February

New This week –

Men’s – Legacy Body appliers
Women’s Catwa Appliers – Chloe, Opal, Penelope, Willow, Winter

Tp on down to Birth!

Skin Addiction