-Birth- ‘Rain Maker’ Personal Particle Effect Cloud, Secret Sale Sundays – Cute Blush & Glam Heels

@ Sad November – (Starts 6th)
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flair for Events/51/96/25

‘Rain Maker’ Particle Effects

-Birth- 'Rain Maker' Personal Particle Effect Cloud.jpg

Complex bundle of awesome season particle effects. Carry
your personal weather system around as fluffy white cloud
rains down on your av.

Features –
Rain sound, particles, cloud.
Water bouncing off shoulders and feet.
Water ripples at feet.


Secret Sale Sundays @ Birth
(starts Sunday @ Midnight to Midnight)

-Birth- Secret Sale Sundays - Cute Blush & Glam Heels.png

Details on the event here –

Glam Heels and Cute Blush just 50L! The blush is tintable
to any colour, and the heels are despite being cheap are
the height of glamorous.

Tp to Birth here –
Now permanently at Mainstore :

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