Birth @ Events

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*Birth* @ EVENTS
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@ The Men’s Department


*Birth* 'Achilles' Aesthetic Niramyth Applier Advert.jpg

Young, handsome and hard as nails. Finally a young, fashionable skin
for the Aesthetic series. Sporting a range of slashed brows and beards.

These appliers come with various options:
– Blends in with the Aesthetic heads textures. (Simply click
hud and it blends in).
– 5 skin tones (Simply match your tone to the niramyth ones).
– 5 different beard styles.
– 5 styles of eyebrows, normal, four slashed.
– Highly detailed.

Tp to our stand here:

@ The Gacha Guardians!

Penelope has been modified as a Catwa applier.
4 yummy common makesups in 3 tones. And then 3 rares without makeup.

*Birth* 'Penelope' Catwa Applier Advert @ GG􀀅

Also when you pull any of the gachas 20 times you can get these two special
pink eyebrowed versions. In tones 01 and 04.

􀀄*Birth* 'Penelope' Catwa Applier Gift Advert @ GG

Tp to Birth’s Gacha here:

@The Cosmopolitan

More scrummy vamp eyeshadows for Leltuka Heads.

*Birth* Penelope Eyeshadows - Vamp Set 3

*Birth* Penelope Eyeshadows - Vamp Set 4􀀍􀀌

Tp to our stand here:

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Skin Addiction