*Birth* Mainstore Releases ‘Luna’ Catwa & ‘Dakota’ Catwa



*Birth* Dakota Catwa Applier Advert.jpg

‘Dakota’ Catwa Applier

Rugged yet polished, the thickly browed young and sexy Dakota down now permanently
at Birth mainstore.

– Shape included (head in advert is Catwa’s ‘Daniel’)
– 9 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).
– 4 Eyebrow Colours.
– Browless Option.
– 6 Beards in Tintable White
– Black, Blonde, Brown, Red Hairbase Colours.
– Tintable White Hairbase.
– ‘Off’ Buttons for Hairbase and Beards.

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‘Luna’ Catwa Appplier

*Birth* 'Luna' Catwa Applier Advert
Sweet button nosed, sculpted eyebrowed, luscious lipped ‘Luna’. Permanently in
Birth Mainstore.
Coming with:

Bento Shape included (used on Catwa’s Catya)
Available in 8 tones.
Browless Option
Eyebrows in Black, Brown, Blonde, Red.
6 Eyeshadows
2 Eyeliners
6 Lipsticks

Tp to Birth’s new store:

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