Chain and Vine: Lael

Hello again!

You may remember my last post here for Chain and Vine, and today I’m coming back to you with a lovely new skin by Lyric Demina: Lael.


It is a special edition skin for summer, what means it doesn’t come with the normal skintones Chain and Vine skins usually do. To make things more clear, let me quote Lyric herself: “The darkest tone of this skin is the darkest I think a person can be while still claiming to be blonde”. Therefor, it still comes in 7 tones, but they’re more tan than dark at the end (tone 1 = lightest, tone 7 = darkest). The one I’m showing you today is tone 5, an adorable tan tone. With one makeup it has been available as a groupgift recently.


In your box of skins you’ll get some extras: a shape, brow shaper and lashes. The skin itself comes in busty and natural version (you can see busty in the first, natural in the second pic). And then again with dark, light and red brows. Wearing tone 5 I’m always using the dark brow option. Beyond that the makeups feature muted and vivid eyeshadows for you to chose a colorful or more natural look and all of that is painted on the skins directly, so no need to wear a lot of tattoo layers.

chainvine-lael003 crabapple muted | dahlia vivid | jasmine vivid

chainvine-lael004 primrose muted | raintree muted | stargazer vivid

Last but not least I want to show you tone 2 with red brows, because those are a new feature in Chain and Vine skins and haven’t been available before Lael.

chainvine-lael005 raintree vivid

I recommend you to take a closer look at this fantastic skin!
Chain and Vine mainstore

eyes – smoothglow eyes – Ibanez
hair – comfort – [elikatira]
lingerie – doric bra and panties – Willow
pose – estetica

Lilie <3

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