iicing – October Releases at Events

New items @ the Thirsty Event event opens 10/15

Clown BBY – EvoX & BoM only makeup. (100% tintable)

Batty – EvoX & BoM only blush & bats (includes tintable blush)

Taxi to Thirsty Event

♥ Two New items @ the Darkness EventEvent opens 10/5

Rotten Ribbed – Unisex, includes left & right versions.

Rotten Hands – Unisex, includes 60% wound & blood versions.

Taxi to The Darkness Event

Dead Inside is a NEW item in the Shady Seasonal Hunt that starts on Oct 20th – Nov 1st.

♥ Group Key – secondlife:///app/group/2ce89456-c545-0e89-a1fd-7f25720bb76a/about

All hunt items are 20L

Taxi to the Shady Valley Sim

LPM for Creation.jp

La Petite Morte is participating in Creation JP’s new round with a fresh new face, Duchess! See the pic below.


The event opens at 12:00 am SLT March 21st!

Creation JP

Also, remember that Skin Fair 2015 is still going! La Petite Morte is a proud sponsor of this event, and has two new faces for you.

Sadie is vivacious, fresh and youthful.


Maja is sultry, lush and sophisticated.


To demo or purchase either (or both!) Maja or Sadie, please visit Skin Fair. Nyam Nyam and Loud Mouth appliers are available for both skins in the Skin Fair booth. You’ll find LPM on Sim 2 at Skin Fair 2015.

Skin Fair Sim 2

For all other appliers, please visit the La Petite Morte mainstore.

LPM Mainstore

For more information about Skin Fair 2015, please visit the official blog.

.::WoW Skins::. – Melodia

Snapshot_018I’m excited to show you the lovely new skin from .::WoW Skins::. called ‘Melodia‘.

This skin comes in 4 tones, Milk (shown above), Tan, Bronze and Dark Tan.
wow melodia tones
Showing the cleavage option above.

There are 5 different make ups and a Natural make up.
wow melodia makeup

Each pack includes 6 skins, 3 different eye brow colors with and without cleavage options.
Also included are 2 Freckles tattoos and a brow base.
wow melodia brow colors
Eye brow colors as shown above. Red, Black and Blonde.

Appliers available for purchase:
– Slink Physique (available at the entrance of the mainstore.)
– Slink Hands
– Slink Feet
– Lolas
– Wowmeh
– Banned Ass
– Ghetto Booty Ass
– L!nk Phat Azz/Cute Azz

There is a special price on the fatpacks!
Head on over and demo Melodia for yourself. [TAXI]

Hair #1 > Melita → Blondes < Truth Hair (Truth Hawks)
Hair #2 >
Renata → Browns < Truth Hair (Truth Hawks)
Hair #3 >
Serene → 03 < Magika (Sabina Gully)
Eyes >
Arcane → Avada & Sapphire < Buzzeri (eleri catlyn) The Seasons Story

Our new official female SA blogger


I would like to welcome Kouralee Resident to the Skin Addiction team as our new official female blogger! It was not an easy task selecting the new SA blogger as we had many great applications, which I spent several hours agonizing over deciding which one would be the best fit for Skin Addiction. I believe with Kouralee’s passion and experience, she will be a great asset to the Skin Addiction team.

Over the coming weeks you will become familiar with Kouralee’s work as she is looking forward to sharing new releases and skin information with you all. You will find Kouralee focusing on 2 tasks here on the blog. The first one is what we will call SA’s Weekly Roundup. Every Friday, Kouralee will take all the notices sent the previous Friday-Thursday and do a brief recap here on the blog of what news there’s to be had in the skin world. The next one will be in-depth features of new/upcoming releases from our resident Skin Addiction designers. These posts will focus on what each new skin(s) offers in terms of tones, appliers, makeups, etc. Each post made, will also be shared with our inworld group, so nothing is missed for our skin addicts.

I would like to thank everyone who applied to be an SA blogger, you all made it a hard choice for me, and I think all of you are wonderful!

Human Inc. Carla

Human Inc. Carla

Introducing Carla she is released differently to other stores, where I just release makeups variations when I feel like it, all packs include blonde and brown eyebrow versions, the store is still under construction, so please try the demo here.

Demo Link:


Kooqlas Ojen

KOOQLA‘s newest skin Ojen has just been released! Coming in 3 tones with 8 different makeup options, this is the perfect blend of realistic and hand-drawn. Light and dark brows, and a teeth option are also included with the skin. Ojen is my newest favorite skin!

The Tones and Makeups of Ojen


The Body of Ojen

Bra Set: .: Somnia :. Freakin’ Dotty
Freckles 1: Miamai_XGen Makeup_Freckles FullBody 01 (not used in makeup layout)
Freckles 2: I ALEIDA I VEGA – freckles (tattoo layer) (not used in makeup layout)
Freckles 3: cutesy freckles; Es’ cusi (not used in makeup layout)
Hairbase: *CASHMERE*Twogue Hairbase-red
Hair: (fd) Butterfly Queen – Burger Clown
Lashes: MG – Eyelashes – Party – Inverted Crown
Eyes: .ID. FFL / BlueGreen

Lots of New Skins this week!

New Skin 1

new skin 2

new skin 3

new skin 4

A lot of events are happening right now, and that means lots of new skins for us! This is just a sampling of SOME of the new skins out this week!

For complete details, please check out HodgePodge!

Look 1-
Skin: Skin: -tb- {Pale} C88 Shallow Skin – Red Brows Collabor88

Look 2-
Skin: (fd) Bird Skin – C88 02 Collabor88

Look 3-
Skin: Lara Hurley-Mary/Pale VINTAGE FAIR (opens on the 11th)

Look 4-
Skin: :GP: Moonbeam Frex [Dark] Vintage-Deco 2 VINTAGE FAIR (opens on the 11th)

Skin Addiction