I would like to welcome Kouralee Resident to the Skin Addiction team as our new official female blogger! It was not an easy task selecting the new SA blogger as we had many great applications, which I spent several hours agonizing over deciding which one would be the best fit for Skin Addiction. I believe with Kouralee’s passion and experience, she will be a great asset to the Skin Addiction team.
Over the coming weeks you will become familiar with Kouralee’s work as she is looking forward to sharing new releases and skin information with you all. You will find Kouralee focusing on 2 tasks here on the blog. The first one is what we will call SA’s Weekly Roundup. Every Friday, Kouralee will take all the notices sent the previous Friday-Thursday and do a brief recap here on the blog of what news there’s to be had in the skin world. The next one will be in-depth features of new/upcoming releases from our resident Skin Addiction designers. These posts will focus on what each new skin(s) offers in terms of tones, appliers, makeups, etc. Each post made, will also be shared with our inworld group, so nothing is missed for our skin addicts.
I would like to thank everyone who applied to be an SA blogger, you all made it a hard choice for me, and I think all of you are wonderful!
Congratulations, Kouralee!i know you’ll do a fabulous job!
Thanks so much Harper!
Voshie, thank you so so much for this opportunity, I hope I make you proud!