Noir skin at Mad Circus 3
Exclusively available at Mad Circus 3 – Noir skin, a female evil clown skin.
Included (1 pale skin tone, sand):
– Catwa mesh head applier
– Omega face and body appliers
– SLINK appliers
– Maitreya appliers
Also, a special 10L gift is available in Deluxe Body Factory’s event booth.
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Skin Jaquelin, new release from Deluxe Body Factory!
Skin Jaquelin, a new release from Deluxe Body Factory!
Included in each set:
– Catwa mesh head applier, 3 brow options (auburn, jet, no brows)
– Omega head and body appliers, 3 brow options (auburn, jet, no brows)
– SLINK mesh body, hands and feet appliers
– Maitreya mesh body appliers
– Classic avatar skin as body base, 3 brow options (auburn, jet, no brows)
5 separate skin tones (sand, honey, chai, toffee and mocha) including matching appliers or fat-pack with generous discount.
Teleport to Deluxe Body Factory in-world Second Life or shop online at the Second Life marketplace!
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For questions and/or issues, please send a notecard to Lutricia Roux.
♥ Have fun ♥
© 2012 – 2017 Deluxe Body Factory, all rights reserved.
Candice skin from Deluxe Body Factory
Each skin pack comes loaded with lots of appliers in 5 skin tones, sand, honey, chai, toffee and mocha.
- Catwa mesh head appliers
- SLINK Physique, hands and feet appliers
- Maitreya Lara, hands and feet appliers
- Omega system appliers for mesh heads, body, hands and feet
- Classic avatar skin with separate brows on tattoo layer
- Modifiable shape and brow shaper (Bento), adjusted for Catwa Lona Bento head
Catwa and Omega appliers has options to remove the existing eyebrows if you would like to experiment with some new from time to time. Feel free to try our demo pack, available inworld Second Life or if you prefer to shop online at our online store at Second Life marketplace.
Remember to stay informed with the latest:
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Camille skin from Deluxe Body Factory
New release, Camille skin!
Each skin pack comes loaded with lots of appliers in 5 skin tones, sand, honey, chai, toffee and mocha.
- Catwa mesh head appliers
- SLINK Physique, hands and feet appliers
- Maitreya Lara, hands and feet appliers
- Omega system appliers for mesh heads, body, hands and feet
- Classic avatar skin with separate brows on tattoo layer
- Modifiable shape and brow shaper (Bento), adjusted for Catwa Lona Bento head
Catwa and Omega appliers has options to remove the existing eyebrows if you would like to experiment with some new from time to time. Feel free to try our demo pack, available inworld Second Life or if you prefer to shop online at our online store at Second Life marketplace.
Remember to stay informed with the latest:
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Kali skin, new release from Deluxe Body Factory!
New release, Kali skin!
Each skin pack comes loaded with lots of appliers in 5 skin tones, sand, honey, chai, toffee and mocha.
- Catwa mesh head appliers
- SLINK Physique, hands and feet appliers
- Maitreya Lara, hands and feet appliers
- Omega system appliers for mesh heads, body, hands and feet
- Classic avatar skin with separate brows on tattoo layer
- Modifiable shape and brow shaper (Bento), adjusted for Catwa Lona Bento head
Catwa and Omega appliers has options to remove the existing eyebrows if you would like to experiment with some new from time to time. Feel free to try our demo pack, available inworld Second Life or if you prefer to shop online at our online store at Second Life marketplace.
Credits for items used in the photo:
- Catwa Bento mesh head Lona
- Magika hair Amuse me
- IKON Sovereign mesh eyes
Remember to stay informed with the latest:
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Asian female skin Natsumi available!
Each Catwa appliers pack includes:
- Catwa mesh head applier
- SLINK mesh body, hands and feet appliers
- Maitreya mesh body appliers
- Classic avatar skin as body base
- Options for eyebrows (with or without)
Each Omega appliers pack includes:
- Omega head, body, hands and feet appliers
- Classic avatar skin as body base
- Options for eyebrows (with or without)
Available options:
- 10 separate skin tones (porcelain, ivory, bisque, agate, caramel, almond, nutmeg, walnut, hazelnut, chocolate)
- Fatpack with generous discount
- Choice of Catwa OR Omega appliers pack
Stay informed with the latest!
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Saya skin and Sky tattoo
Dark Side Fashion Fair 2 by Evil Bunny Productions is open! We have two bargains to offer you.
First out, our exclusive skin for the event, Saya.
Saya skin includes:
- Catwa mesh head applier
- SLINK Physique, hands and feet applier
- Maitreya Lara, hands and feet applier
- System skin as body base
The second bargain is a 10 L gift, Sky spine tattoo as Omega appliers!
Find out more details about the event:
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Have fun!
Skin Fair 2017 exclusive – Natsumi
We are excited to announce Deluxe Body Factory’s participation in this years Skin Fair and hope you will join us too!
Skin Natsumi – exlusive for Skin Fair
NEW (face and body):
- Eyes
- Nose
- Brows
- Lips
- Face details (freckles, moles, highlights and shadows)
- Collarbones
- Nipples
- Belly button
- Detailes on body (moles, highlights and shadows)
Skin Natsumi is available in 10 skin tones with two options:
- Catwa skin pack – Catwa mesh head, Slink, Maitreya mesh body appliers, classic skin for body base
- Omega skin pack, Omega head, body, hands and feet appliers, classic skin as body base.
Separate option to get Omega appliers for hands only – for example to use with Bento mesh hands.
Join us now! Teleport to Skin Fair in Second Life!
Skin Fair 2017 information
Skin Fair 2017 is presented by Pale Girl Productions and will run from March 10th till March 26th. The fair is set up on 2 sims: Skin Fair sim 1 and Skin Fair sim 2 (Deluxe Body Factory’s store is around the landing point at sim 2). Pale Girls Productions Skin Fair 2017 blog post offers a great deal of information and helpful advices as well as maps for both sims.
Anouk skin with Catwa appliers for TWE12VE February!
Anouk skin event exclusive
Check out Anouk skin, Deluxe Body Factory’s event exclusive skin for TWE12VE February, available in 5 skin tones, each skin pack includes Catwa appliers, SLINK and Maitreya appliers plus a classic avatar skin as body base.
About TWE12VE
Events run the 12th of the month 12 noon SLT through the end of the month. Each round is themed with a word. Visit the venue to see the list.
TWE12VE brought to you by Evil Bunny Productions.
Teleport to TWE12VE in Second Life:
Have fun!