Skin Fair 2024 Applications Open


March 8th – March 25th, 2024

►March 1st – Set up starts
►March 5th (9pm) – Set up deadline
►March 8th (12:01 pm) – General Opening

Skin Designers, Body Part/Mod Creators, Makeup Designers, Hairbase/Eyebrow Creators, Body Deformer Makers, Tattoo Makers, Eye/Nail and Shape Creators.

►One (1) New and Exclusive Release – Eyes and Nails are allowed as an exclusive but MUST be in a collection
▷1 collection (minimum of 6 or more) = 1 exclusive


If you have any questions, please IM Voshie Paine.

Produced by Juniper Events


Advertising Opportunity!

Are you a creator of makeup, skins, body mods, mesh bodies/heads, and/or skin enhancements?

Then Skin Addiction is the perfect advertising opportunity for you! Skin Addiction has an active inworld community as well as having a blog and Facebook page. Our designers are also given priority application status for the yearly Skin Fair as well as invited to participate in the exclusive annual Black Friday sale.

For more information and to apply for official designer status please visit us here: How to become a designer.

Skin Fair 2020 Designer Applications

Designer applications for Skin Fair 2020 are now open. Please read all the rules on the application form before applying. Applications will close on December 2nd.

Event Dates : March 13th-29th

Who Can Apply?

  • Skin Designers
  • Mesh Body Part Creators
  • Makeup Designers
  • Tattoo Makers
  • Shape Creators


  • Three* new and exclusive items for the event.
    • Eyes and nails may not be your exclusive item or the only items you offer unless they are your own original mesh.

* Mesh body part designers are only required to have one new and exclusive item.

Skin Addiction