Kooqlas Ojen

KOOQLA‘s newest skin Ojen has just been released! Coming in 3 tones with 8 different makeup options, this is the perfect blend of realistic and hand-drawn. Light and dark brows, and a teeth option are also included with the skin. Ojen is my newest favorite skin!

The Tones and Makeups of Ojen


The Body of Ojen

Bra Set: .: Somnia :. Freakin’ Dotty
Freckles 1: Miamai_XGen Makeup_Freckles FullBody 01 (not used in makeup layout)
Freckles 2: I ALEIDA I VEGA – freckles (tattoo layer) (not used in makeup layout)
Freckles 3: cutesy freckles; Es’ cusi (not used in makeup layout)
Hairbase: *CASHMERE*Twogue Hairbase-red
Hair: (fd) Butterfly Queen – Burger Clown
Lashes: MG – Eyelashes – Party – Inverted Crown
Eyes: .ID. FFL / BlueGreen

Skin Addiction’s Skin Showcase Event!

Coming at the end of May is the big Skin Showcase Event! Already have many of your favorite designers participating as this will be the skin event of the year! For more information on how to apply please check this link. Deadline for designers to apply is April 15th, so if you are thinking about it, be sure to get your application in today!

Confirmed designers for the event are:

AKERUKA Italian Creations
MOJO Body Boutique
Style by Kira
Mirror’s Enigma
Skin Within
Tacky Star
**SHINE** Skins&Fashion
Lumiere Skins by GLAM!
Rosy mood
Pink Fuel
Curious Kitties
*Mayden Couture*
CIA Designs
Glam Affair
*Les Petits Détails*
Blush Skins
ND/MD Skins & Shapes MEGA Mall
Oceane Body Design
Unique Megastore
Barbie Bitch
Face Paint
Fresh Fx
Billy Zero
Adam n Eve
La Petite Morte

Skin Addiction’s Skin Showcase Event

This year Skin Addiction will be hosting a skin showcase, May 25th-June 10th. In the past there have been skin fairs and expos,but with the amount of lag, I would like to try something different. Instead of each designer having a booth with a different amount of prims, EVERY designer will all have the same amount of prims. Also there will be no booths to add to the lag. Each designer will be invited to showcase a *NEW* and *EXCLUSIVE* skin for the event, after the event you will be free to release it in your shops. At the moment, the idea is for each designer to have 20 prims total. This is likely to change by the time things are more concrete, but please work within the 20 prim boundary. Remember, you will not have to think of decorating and such, only your product and vendor, as there will be no booths. Also demos will be made available through the Skin Addiction group, and marketplace. There will be a fee to participate but at the moment is unknown due to costs/expenses/participation are not firm yet.

If you would like to participate, please fill out this form.

When your application has been received and approved, an invite will be sent to join the vendor group for the event. You will also receive an invite as a designer to Skin Addiction so you may send demos and advertise to the group.

**if you are a Skin Addiction designer, you will be automatically approved, but please fill out the form for record keeping.


*Skins must be of your creation, no copybotted material will be accepted.
*Skins can be template based, however, over 50% of it must be your own work. (ie unrecognizable as a template skin)
*No scripts, some exceptions will be made (ex: scripted vendors), however for the event I would prefer no scripted vendors.
*Gifts will be accepted and encouraged in order to promote the event, but not discounted skins. This isn’t a sale event.

Any other questions, please direct them to me, Voshie Paine.

New Monthly Skin Collaboration

A new monthly skin collaboration event is starting next month, where skins will be 85L each.  While I’m not a part of it in any way, it seems like an interesting event to get samples of skins from new to you creators, and possibly if your favorites join…then a special skin from your favorite skin creator.

For more information check out their blog, it looks like they are still accepting applications for designers as well.


2nd Annual Black Friday Weekend has Arrived!


This year we have many brands participating in our 2nd annual Black Friday Weekend. Starting at 11:59 pm SLT Nov 24th and ending on Nov 28th at 12:01 am SLT, group members of Skin Addiction will receiving special discounts on skins from participating brands.

How it works is you must join or already be a member of Skin Addiction, and wear your tag. When you go to purchase a discounted skin, you will first pay FULL PRICE, and be REFUNDED the difference as long as you are wearing the Skin Addiction tag.

Look for this sign, all signs marked with this are part of the SA Black Friday Weekend event.

Participating Designers are (as of this blog post, some are running a bit behind)


la petite morte


adam n eve




the skinnery



natural beauty




style by kira






glam affair

tableau vivant

eleanor rigby

the plastik

lara hurley skin





unique megastore


glance skins


maverick designs





pink fuel

fashionably dead

Lots of New Skins this week!

New Skin 1

new skin 2

new skin 3

new skin 4

A lot of events are happening right now, and that means lots of new skins for us! This is just a sampling of SOME of the new skins out this week!

For complete details, please check out HodgePodge!

Look 1-
Skin: Skin: -tb- {Pale} C88 Shallow Skin – Red Brows Collabor88

Look 2-
Skin: (fd) Bird Skin – C88 02 Collabor88

Look 3-
Skin: Lara Hurley-Mary/Pale VINTAGE FAIR (opens on the 11th)

Look 4-
Skin: :GP: Moonbeam Frex [Dark] Vintage-Deco 2 VINTAGE FAIR (opens on the 11th)

WTF is wrong with people

Second life is rife with drama and accusations. I have discovered that the skin industry is no exception. Yes, stolen work is serious business, but in no way shape or form should YOU take matters into your hands and start harassing someone who has been accused of theft. For one thing, you are most likely NOT a skin expert, and it’s all conjecture at this point; second, I’ve found out that some brands will accuse others of theft just to break their competition and third, there are SO many templates out there now that it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to tell anymore unless they use the template straight outta the box.

IF! you ever run across a skin that reminds you of another creator’s, the ONLY proper recourse of action is to inform the creator and drop an LM on them. NOTHING ELSE. Let the person you informed handle it. They can tell if parts of their work have been used and if they deem it so, they will file the DMCA. We are NOT a court of law, and so let the right people handle it. Only creators are able to file DMCAs, not the general consumer.

To the creators who think it’s a great practice to spread the word that someone is botting you without having filed a DMCA because you know it wouldn’t hold up. WTF do you think you are? Because you make skins and earn a few Ls from it that you are suddenly God? And that you can go around harassing people and organizing lynch mobs? Every time you do something like this, this reflects back on your business, and as more and more see your actions, they will be turned off and stop shopping at your store. If you truly think someone has copybotted your skin, file a DMCA and let LL handle it from there. If the accused counter files, then it’s on YOU to take it to real life court and let the law decide. Not to take it to plurk, groups, flickr etc and start a war against the accused. In the states we have a saying, innocent until proven guilty….often that is not how it really is, in the states or just in life in general.

To those people who get involved in the drama. Make sure you know who you are supporting and that you trust them completely, and actually use your brain and not just take someone’s word for it. Sadly it’s coming to light that false accusations are being thrown around in order to squash competition….so I just say to you to be careful and ask yourself if it’s really necessary for you to get involved.

About myself. No I’m not perfect, yes I’ve made and will continue to make mistakes. I’m a firm believer in the truth and that it should be available to everyone, but I also believe that every story has 3 sides. Does this mean I follow this always? No. As I said I make mistakes, but I can tell you that I do my best. I’m just sick of the amount of CRAP that goes on. Yes there’s real issues but then there’s the manufactured bullshit that I’m tired of. Please, all I ask, myself and others: THINK before leaping into anything. Make sure it’s something that you will be proud of doing, 6 months-5 years from now.

Harassment of any kind is wrong. I don’t care if the people being harassed deserve it or not, it’s wrong, nobody has made us judge and jury. It’s like when Jesus said, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone,” and everyone had to walk away because NO one is without faults.

I get the question often why don’t I have certain creators in the group. No, it doesn’t mean I think they’ve botted or done something wrong. It is an invitation to join the group, if they don’t want to, it is their right to decline said invite. People market their businesses differently and this group might not be the direction they take. Also, just because someone WANTS to join the group doesn’t mean they get in. I have my reasons, and they are personal. More than likely, I will never share them. I know this is gonna come out as sounding like a dictator, but I DON’T have to answer to anybody for the reason why I do things in MY group. However. I will promise one thing, I love this group. I ALWAYS try to have its best interest at heart, and not do anything rash. This group is one of the best and friendliest I have found, and for that I’m proud. And it’s not because of me. It’s because of YOU, the group members that make it so.

If you’ve made it this far in my ramblings…
<333 Voshie

How to file a DMCA

The winners of Skin Addiction’s “Comfortable in My Skin” Photo Contest

Thank you all for participating in the contest, and to the amazing designers offering prizes to the winners. The photos submitted were incredible and thus made it very hard to select just one winner. As you can see hanging up at our new Headquarters, that I have also chosen a few photos from the contest to showcase! Now I am sure you are biting your nails to know who has won, so without further ado the winners!

1st place:
Ziekling Bunnyhug
Comfortable in my skin Contest Entry 1

2nd place:
Dove Swanson
Skin Addiction Contest Submission

3rd place:
Leah McCullough
Comfortable in My Skin entry



Opening of Skin Addiction HQ and Winners!

At 2pm SLT, we will be having a party to celebrate the opening of the new Skin Addiction Headquarters and to announce the winners of the “Comfortable in My Skin” contest! Summer Deadlight is djing, and pictures will be displayed of some of the participants in the contest! So come join us in congratulating the winners and take a look around the new location! Hope to see you there! <3

Skin Addiction Headquarters

Skin Addiction