‘Come Get It!’ Boob Animations Advert @ Fetish Fair (17th), Hair Fair, BBW Sale

@ Fetish Faire ! (starts 17th!)
<a href=”http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hidden Reef/180/167/30″ rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hidden%20Reef/180/167/30</a>

‘Come Get It!’ Boob Animations

'Come Get It!' Boob Animations Advert.jpg

Sure to tease, rouse, titillate any onlookers when you juggle your boobs with
these animations. Juggle your melons together, alternating left and right, a
sensual combo either wya.
Boobs actually move in unision with the hands – up and down
these puppies go with all their sensual allure.

SNSFW previews here –



@ Hair Fair 2019 (Starts 17th August)

Another year for this awesome charity hair themed event.

“All purchases made at Hair Fair 2019 as at previous will donate a percentage to Wigs for Kids. The minimum donated by each store is 15% so everything you buy during helps this great charity help children that suffer hair loss, so get all your hair shopping needs covered and help us help them. Any donation kiosks, Bandanas or Hair Fair Hare purchased donate 100% to Wigs for Kids.”


Birth's two items giving 50% to charity
Tp here to Birth's stand (follow red arrow) -
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hair Fair - Noirette/170/75/23

Skillfully cut henna style cuts in the back of the scalp.


-Birth- 'Henna' Catwa and Omega Hairbase Advert

-Birth- 'Lotus' Catwa and Omega Hairbase Advert


Both styles Catwa and Omega, coming with defined slashes also at the start of sides.
Available in three versions - plain, gradient sides and sharp sides Ladies and gents can wear it :).


○●○○●○○ *B I R T H* BARGAIN WEEKENDS ●○○●○○●

50% OFF !

Every 3rd weekend of the month Birth is Bargian Weekends@Birth.
Friday to Sunday on the 3rd weekend, mark your calendars cause
it's Birth Bargain Weekend!

This month three selected men's brows, just 125 L$

Birth BBW Sale Eyebrows 50% Off

Tp to Birth :

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Skin Addiction