-Birth- SKIN FAIR 2019 & TMD

@ SKIN FAIR 2019

The glorious skin fair is back!
Birth has two striking skins for both gender and extra makeup blush.

Tp here to Birth’s stand:
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Voodoo Nights/26/184/100>


-Birth- 'Mr Lee' Catwa Applier Advert


The king of kung fu no less. Chiselled cheekbones and iron jaw.
Bringing some more diversity in with another asian skin at Birth.

‘Chloe’ Catwa Applier

-Birth- 'Chloe' Catwa Applier

Button nosed super cute ‘Chloe’ goes especially well with blush applier below.

Bento Shape included (used on Catwa’s Catya)
Available in 8 tones.
Browless Option
Eyebrows in Black, Brown, Blonde, Red.
6 Eyeshadows, 2 Eyeliners.
8 Lipsticks

‘Uber’ Cute Blush

-Birth- 'Uber Cute Blush' Catwa Applier Advert

The blush is tintable, comes in white, grey and black for variety of shades.


Tp here to Birth’s stand –


-Birth- 'Carlos' Aesthetic Applier Advert

Stubbled, exotic and coupled with Niramyth’s muscle bound body all kinds of masculine. Carlos, kitted out
with plenty of beards and slashed eyebrow options.

– 5 different beard styles.
– 6 styles of eyebrows, normal, 6 slashed.
– Highly detailed.

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Skin Addiction