*Birth* -Elemental Store – Freebie, Bow, Mainstore Beard

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chrysanthemum Island/32/92/2001

Hello folks :). I am proud to announce I am opening a new store with my good friend Vixn Dagger of Venge. We both love fantasy and the roleplay community in SL, so decided to make a store a store that specialises in it.

Anybody who’s enjoyed my fantasy skin creations at Birth will get alot more of them and other fantasy creations down at ‘Elemental’. Will not be doing further posts for Elemental in

Birth’s flickr, but thought my customers may enjoy the new store.

-Elemental- 'Fantasy Skin' Appliers - Group Gift Advert.jpg


http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chrysanthemum Island/32/92/2001

Elemental is doing monthly roleplay themed group gifts! On the 2nd Saturday of every month.
This month’s is a little early with our debut releases). Join group and click the poster at our store.

Dappled, two toned fantasy skin.
Comes with makeup and plain face.
Catwa (Head) & Maitreya (Body) Appliers.


-Elemental- 'Elven Bow' Advert

Ornate and swirly, bow, arrows and quiver decoration.
Beads down the string, natural twig tipped arrows.
Elven signature above the handle.

– Huge Extensive Hud –
Colour changes below:
6 Beads
10 Bow & String
10 Arrows
10 Handles
10 Quivers

@ We <3 RP (Starts 4th) :


‘Full’ Applier Beard.

Nice full and thick hair on the face. What says mature more than a full head of fuzzy cheeks?
Catwa, omega. In various colours.

-Birth- Beard Applier 'Full'

Tp to Birth:

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Skin Addiction