*Birth* – Mainstore Releases – Ripley and BBW Sale


Sunkissed, dimple cheeked, smoochable lipped Ripley.
His handsome face in combintation with Birth’s iron abdominals
catches glances flaunted about on any beach.

*Birth* 'Ripley' Catwa Advert


– Shape included (head in advert is Catwa’s ‘Daniel’)
– 9 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).
– 4 Eyebrow Colours.
– Browless Option.
– 6 Beards in Tintable White
– Black, Blonde, Brown, Red Hairbase Colours.
– Tintable White Hairbase.
– ‘Off’ Buttons for Hairbase and Beards.

○●○○●○○ *B I R T H* BARGAIN WEEKENDS ●○○●○○●

50% OFF !

Every 3rd weekend of the month Birth is Bargian Weekends@Birth. Friday to Sunday on the 3rd weekend, mark your calendars cause it’s Birth Bargain Weekend!

This month for the guys, chiselled and ragged eyebrow appliers just 150L$ (50% Off!)

Birth - BBW Weekend 'Chiselled ' & 'Ragged' Eyebrows 50% Off

Tp to Birth’s new store:

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