*Birth* Stars Eyeshadow Makeup (Catwa)- Set 3&4 BBW Sale

*Birth* Stars Eyeshadow Makeup (Catwa)- Set 3*Birth* Stars Eyeshadow Makeup (Catwa)- Set 4

50% OFF !

Every 3rd weekend of the month Birth is Bargain Weekends@Birth. Friday to Sunday on the 3rd weekend, mark your calendars cause it’s Birth Bargain Weekend!

This month we have a sale of something brand new! Marked at just 125L for the new 3rd and 4th sets of Spiral Eyeshadows.

Just as sparkly and glamorous as the last two but all the more colourful.

6 styles in each pack.

TP to Birth here:

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Utopia Isles/221/21/403

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