Weekly Roundup – March 27th through April 2nd

Hello, Skinnies! It is that time of the week again. Okay, that time of the week was technically two days ago. Don’t judge me. I have important things to do like tax evading and nail painting. The point is, that we have a whole week’s worth of lovely skin releases for your easy viewing pleasure! Enjoy.

New Releases:

DyVersatile – released Sean, Mike, Kenny, Karl, Jon, and Deuce (for Adam, Catwa, Omega, and Signature) at their main store location.

Dy Deuce Skin Ad Dy Jon Skin Ad

Dy Karl Skin Ad Dy Kenny Skin Ad

Dy Mike Skin Ad Dy Sean Skin Ad

DS’Elles – released Olivia (for Catwa) at their main store location.

Affiche DS'ELLES Olivia hud Catwa

E. Vary – released Ellie (for Catwa and Omega) at their main store location. They also have Niara (for Genesis Lab) and Aloy (for Catwa).

Ellie skin for Catwa and Omega Niara Skin for #EvaBento Aloy Skin

ItGirls – released Milan and Mei (for Catwa) at their main store location.

itgirls milan ItGirls Mei

Mudskin – released Chaeyoung (for Catwa) at their main store location.

mudskin chaeyoung

Ooh-la-licious – released Naavah (for Catwa) at their main store location.

Oohlala Sassoon - Naavah Portrait - by Satomi Masukami

WoW Skins – released Nesima and Sania (for Catwa) at their main store location. they also released Mara (for Lelukta) at Square1 and Ramona (for Catwa) at Kinky.

.__WoW Skins__. Nesima Catwa applier, skin fair exclusive sania skin fair add .__WoW Skins__. Mara Lelutka bento applier .__WoW Skins__. ramona Bento catwa applier

GA:EG – released Barbara (for Omega) at their main store location.

[GA.EG] Barbara Full Skins Display.png

7 Deadly S[K]ins – released Magnolia (for classic) and Cashew (for Omega) at their main store location. They also released Reina at Buy Now, Blair at Lost&Found, and Georgie at Suicide Dollz, and Delaney at Ultra (all for Omega).

vendor-POSTER-Magnolia promo-POSTER-Cashew

vendor-POSTER-Reina-plain vendor-POSTER-Blair

vendor-POSTER3-Georgie-DEF vendor-POSTER-Delaney-OMEGA

Imabee -released Atara (for Lelutka) on their marketplace store.

imabee atara

Birth – released Lulu (for Lelutka) at Gift of the Guardians.

_Birth_ Lulu Lelutka Appler (TC4 March Exlusive) Advert

Sales, Offers, and Group Gifts:

7 Deadly S[K]ins – released new April group gifts at their main store location. They also released for the anniversary round of Designer Circle.

promo-POSTER-Diana vendor-POSTER-Bo-April-GG-guys  promo-POSTER-Tessie

That’s the skinny, Skinnies! I hope you enjoyed this week’s weekly roundup. Don’t be afraid to peel off that dirty old skin of yours and try a brand new one. 🙂

❤ (multi)Muse

P.S. Don’t forget to join the in-world group for updates right in your viewer and chat with ALL the awesome people. Just copy and paste the following into your local chat:


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