Hello, Skinnies! Another week, another slew of skin updates brought to you in a single post for your leisurely shopping pleasure.

Lumae – Is offering Eetae in Solaris as a Valentine’s Day gift at their mainstore location. They also released Ertae in Nightwish at We Love Roleplay.

Lumae - Eirtae - Solaris Lumae - Eirtae - Nightwish

Pink Fuel – Released Vera as Lelutka appliers at Collabor88.

[PF] Vera LELUTKA Applier (C88)

October’s 4Seasons – is offering Age of Aquarius as their February group gift. They also still have Guiselle Lilly out at The Makeover Room.

O4S February Group Gift - Age of Aquarius O4S Guiselle Lilly TMR

7 Deadly s{K}ins – is offering Remy as a hunt gift in their mainstore location. Their February group gifts Remy and Iwan are now available. They also have Daryll Ann at Suicide Dollz. Bowie is available for the Menstuff Hunt. And Maryna is still at The Designer Circle.

Remy-Valentine-Poster Remy-Valentine-Poster February-group-skin-IWAN-poster Daryll-Ann-Poster

7 Deadly s{K}ins - Menstuff-HUNT-Bowie-Poster Maryna-Poster

Izzie’s – Has Lelutka appliers in white for Fifty Linden Friday at their mainstore location. They also have their February VIP group gift available at their mainstore location.

Izzie's - LeLutka Applier White Edition Izzie's - VIP Group Gift Feb 2016 (Xanthe Skin V-Day Edition)

WoW Skins – Has their February group gift, Amour, available. They also have Nina, Susse, and Victoria available at their mainstore location. They also have a Valentine hunt going on at their store. Megan and Eva are also now available at their mainstore location as Catwa appliers.

.__WoW Skins__. GG FEB 2016 Amour .__WoW Skins__. 2016 Nina .__WoW Skins__. 2016 NEW SUSSE .__WoW Skins__. 2016 Victoria

.__WoW Skins__. Valentine HUNT 2016 .__WoW Skins__. Megan 2016 catwa appl. .__WoW Skins__. 2016 EVA CATWA APPL.

Deesses Boutique – Has Natacha available as a Catwa applier at Flower Power.

Deesses Boutique_ Natacha _CATWA_ applier

…and that is the skinny, Skinnies!

Remember, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. https://app/group/254db099-7966-1350-5766-c977fb2da5b3/about

Have fun skinning!

<3 Muse

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