Weekly Roundup – January 24th through 30th

Hello Skinnies, skin lovers, addicts of various shapes, shades, sizes, and mesh body parts. I have brought to you once more the Weekly Round-up. I decided to change the day on which I am posting, and confused myself and now I am posting late. So, I’m a dunce, but here are all the skin shopping updates for that last week delivered to your internet in one convenient location for your browsing pleasure.

The Skinnery – Released Kenza at Shiny Shahby and Dunya Lelutka appliers at The Season’s Story. And for the dudes, they have the Hugh Catwa applier at Collabor88.

[theSkinnery] Kenza Ad [theSkinnery] Dunya (LeLutka Applier) Ad [theSkinnery] Hugh (Catwa Applier) Ad

LoveMe Skins – Released Chelsea as an omega mesh head applier at Designer Circle.

LoveMe Skins - Chelsea Omega Mesh Head Skin Appliers AD

LURE – released Olivia at their mainstore location.

LURE_ Olivia skin release!

Verve – released Ava at Lelutka appliers at the mainstore location.

Verve Ava Skin Applier for Lelutka Stella Head

Mudskin – Relased Abby at their mainstore location.

[ MUDSKIN ]_Abby AD [ MUDSKIN ]_Abby Tones

October’s 4Seasons – Released Guiselle Lilly at The Makeover Room.

O4S Guiselle Lilly TMR

7 Deadly s{K}ins – Released Judas as both a Catwa and TMP applier. They also released Noellie for Lelutka and Damien..all at the mainstore location.

Judas-TMP-mesh-head-appliers Noellia-lelutka-poster

Verve – Released Ava for the Lelutka head at their mainstore location.

Verve Ava Skin Applier for Lelutka Stella Head

WoW Skins – Has new group gift Sahra available at their mainstore. And have released Megan Catwa appliers at the MBA Bi-Monthly event, Eva Catwa appliers at The Black Dot Project, and 2016 Rose at Designer Showcase.

Izzie’s – Released Zoe Catwa appliers at Uber.

Izzie's - Catwa Applier (Zoe) AD

…and that is the skinny, Skinnies!

Remember, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. https://app/group/254db099-7966-1350-5766-c977fb2da5b3/about

Have fun skinning!

<3 Muse

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