Deesses Boutique: Tameka *UPDATED* skin available @Cosmopolitan Event



A V A I L A B L E  @  C O S M O P O L I T A N  E V E N T

Your favorite Tameka skin has came back to business, updated! Now she’s hotter than ever and she wait for you to get her the chance to make you look the best you ever did!

Tameka skin is re-touched to today’s “standards” and she is slightly different and more quality definied than the original skin.

Tameka it is available in all 10 tones from the lightest, to the darkest. (010 tone is worn in this picture)

Each tone have included Slink hands & feet applier, the modifiable shape & eyebrow + a pack of 6 cleavages models (for standard body only. If you want cleavages for the mesh bodies, they can be purchased separately at applier section in the mainstore)

Eyebrows are sold separately and they are available in 4 colors. Each color fit thier skin tone.

Tameka skin it is available now ONLY @ Cosmopolitan Event . She is waiting there for you 🙂
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Tameka skin have 20 different tattoo lipstick colors available and they are available in 4 different palettes.

Each palette have included 5 colors (the colors from each line on the photo). Each palette fit both light & dark skin tones.

The lipstick palettes fit 70-80% any of other skins from the store. We don’t guarantee they can fit other skin-brands.

DEMO for each lipstick it’s available in the main DEMO pack available in the store.

Tameka lipstick palettes are available now ONLY @ Cosmopolitan Event.

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