*League* Lelutka Mesh Head Appliers: Luna

League Lelutka Head Appliers: Luna*League* Lelutka Head Appliers – Luna

Available in 2 Sets with a selection of different eye makeups and lipsticks in each (both also include a natural face), Freckles option and a choice of 5 brow options.

Eye makeups are on the upper Base Layer of the Lelutka Head meaning that you can use the upper Makeup Layer for other things, for example: layer another eyemakeup over the top for different effects or wear moles/beauty marks/alternative brows/absolutely anything else on the makeup layer, and still have made-up eyes!

Lipsticks are on the Lower (Lips) Makeup Layer of the mesh head so that they can be adjusted with the Blend and Gloss options on the Lelutka Head Hud to achieve a variety of different shades and effects.

League Lelutka Mesh Head Appliers -Luna -Coming Soon!Pick up a free Demo before purchase and try the Demo Huds!

Tp to League Mainstore!

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