Jinx Kitty Legs at Hawthorn’s Legacy Event

It’s that time of year….where witches and ghouls might be just around the corner. Be prepared with some Kitty Legs! These kitty legs are available for Legacy, Maitreya, Erika and Kupra. They come with a bento animated tail and a texture HUD with 5 kitty skins (black, white, tortoiseshell, tabby, ginger tabby) and tint and glow options for the claws and pads.

Taxi to Hawthorne’s Legacy Event: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forever%20Island/213/125/26


It had to be done and now it has been! At We Love Roleplay Jinx new release with beautiful skins by Cinnamon – the giraffataur come with 5 skin tones and a hybrid AO (continue to wear your human AO as well).

Works with most mesh bodies but do try the demo to make sure before you buy.

Just released at We Love Roleplay with 25% off for the duration of the event.


Jinx – Lamia / Naga Tails – Enchantment

Enchantment is open and Jinx has a new release to appeal to the fantasy folk.

Lamia are notably female so the version of this item for those who identify as male is called a Naga.

The Lamia is available for Maitreya, Legacy and Erika bodies (may fit others so please do try the demo). The Naga is available for Jake/Legacy, Gianni and Aesthetic.

Both come with a texture HUD with 9 textures installed that are designed to match some of the Fallen Gods “Scales” skins and also some of the Nefekalum Slither Tattoos.

Grab them at Enchantment: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/111/10/2993

Skin Addiction