[B] UniQue From 7 Deadly S{K}ins

[ B ] UniQue - Beertje-Poster [B] UniQue LOGO

7 deadly S{K}ins has a new in store only special that has begun.  It’s [B] UniQue.  Runs bi-weekly and features a new skin for female and male for only 150L each.  Once the two weeks are over , another skin will be put up for sale.  The older ones will go to higher price in store or removed completely.  So be sure and pick yours up while they are in store.  Hope to see you there.

7 Deadly s{K}ins

7 Deadly Skins New Body appliers and Christmas Hunt

7DS-Christmas-HUNT Applier-Poster-DEF

Christmas season is underway at 7 Deadly S{K}ins with a wonderful store hunt for males and females.  This is our way of saying Merry Christmas.  The hunt is free for group members of 7 Deadly S{K}ins and the group is only 5 L to join all through the month of December.   You are looking for tiny blue baubles (christmas ornament balls) all throughout the store.  There is 4 for males for skin and appliers, and 4 for females  for skin and appliers.  There is however many of the baubles set for sale for non group members if they would like to do the hunt.  The group members will find the baubles that are clickable and get those for free.

We are also proud to announce we are now carrying Belleza body, Lena Body, and Banned body appliers.  Our appliers do come with the hands and feet appliers for the bodies.

7 Deadly Skins

7 Deadly Skins Black Friday sales

Black-Friday-new-letter Temperance-Special-Edition

7 Deadly S{K}ins is sponsor of Black Friday sales for Skin Addiction group.  I bring to you sales ranging from 25% -75% off during the Black Friday weekend.  You must wear the Skin Addiction group tag to be refunded the discount amount.  Temperance makes her way to the sale in a special edition box marked down to 25% off.  This is only available for this weekend.  So hurry to get yours now.  TP to the store, sale is on the 3rd floor with many female and male skins to choose from.   While your there take advantage of the 2L group join to celebrate the Black Friday sales.

7 Deadly S{K}ins mainstore 

7 Deadly s{K}ins – Easter special


This cute set is available in the store right now for 550 ld…

over the easter weekend you can grab this for 200 ld!


<3 Izara

Skin Addiction