Promo WeekEnd this 2 skins at only 100 lindens.
Norah Skin 4 skin tones, pale, tan, bronze,and dark. 1 Natural make up and 5 different make ups. Cleavage option, 3 eyebrow colors, blond, red and dark, eyebrow shaper, freckles option, shape copy and modify, slink hands and feets appliers, lolas mesh breast appliers, phat azz appliers and loud mouth appliers. Of course demo is availble.
Audrey skin 4 skin tones, pale, tan, bronze, and dark. 5 different make ups, from natural to glamour, eyebrows shaper, shape modify, cleavage option for each skin, 2 different freckles option as tattoo layers, lolas mesh breast appliers, lush mesh breast applier, phat zzz applier, slink mesh hands and feets appliers, demo of course availble
the 100L sale will end the 26 may! P.S. WowMeh appliers have been added!
TP to .::WoW Skins::.