Liliskins New Skins, 99L$ Exclusive and 50% Off Sale

Two new skins just released at Liliskins!  Ginny and Natalie.  Both skins are incredibly chic and beautiful.

Ginny is so sexy with two seductive beauty marks, one by her lip and one under her eye. With gorgeous eye shadows and high glossed lips, this vixen will turn heads.

Liliskins Ad - Ginny Complied

Visit Liliskins in world to purchase Ginny or purchase on the Marketplace. You can also pick up the demos on the Marketplace or in world at, Liliskins 105, 85, 21.

Natalie is adorable and sweet with freckles that line her cheeks and the bridge of her nose in the perfect amount to be playful and cute. The makeups are fun and flirty and the lips are softly glossed in light shades of neutrals and pinks.

Liliskins Ad - Natalie Complied

Visit Liliskins in world to purchase Natalie or purchase on the Marketplace. You can also pick up the demos on the Marketplace or in world at Liliskins 105, 85, 21.

Sunny is a new skin, with an exclusive skin tone, Golden Bronze!  This skin, in this skin tone, will NOT be available after the Summer Break Festival.  The makeup will be available in the regular skin tones in the store after the Festival ends, but not this exclusive skin tone, so pick it up for the super low price of 99L$ while you can!

Liliskins Ad - Sunny Joyride Golden Bronze Exclusive

You can purchase this exclusive skin for just 99L$ at the Liliskins cart here.

There are 4 skins available for 50% off from now until August 4th at the Summer Break Festival and they are:

Liliskins Ad - Maxine Meadow

Liliskins Ad - Debbie Maui Beach

Liliskins Ad - Sammie Mint Julep

Liliskins Ad - Jessie Shy

At 1/2 price, don’t let these beauties slip by. You can get them at the special 50% off sale, only at the Summer Break Festival until August 4th!

La Petite Morte – for Skin Addictions Black Friday Sale!

This really cute skin called “Francesca” by La Petite Morte is on sale for the Skin Addictions Black Friday group members. It’s a very cute skin which comes in several other tones. The face is super cute on this skin and its marked down to 80 Percent off starting today and ending on the 25th.

I am also wearing hair from Wasabi Pills. Eyes from Ikon. Mesh Jewelry from Cae and Lingerie from Whippet and Buck.

Skin Addiction