Hello Skinnies! It is that time of the week again. But this week is extra special for all of our skin addicts, because Skin Fair opened. Most of the new releases this week can all be found at Skin Fair. Because of this at the end of the post are the maps and the landmarks to the two sim locations.
Avenge – released three Catwa appliers at Skin Fair. Layla and Angel for the ladies and Joshua for the dudes.
![[Avenge] Joshua skin for Catwa](https://slskinaddiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/avenge-joshua-skin-for-catwa.png)
Gauze – released Chronicle at Skin Fair.

Belleza – released Lianne with Catwa appliers at The Liaison Collaborative. They also releaed the lovely Julia with Lelukta appliers at Skin Fair.

Izzie’s – Released the Anya skin and the Anne skin with LOGO appliers at Skin Fair.

AE – releaed Rebecca and Julia at Skin Fair for the ladies and Oliver (no preview provided) for the gents.

LURE– released Hana and Victoria at Skin Fair.

WoW Skins– released Yasmine at Skin Fair.

7 Deadly s{K}ins – has two March group gifts available Merle and Matt.They also released Cybil at Designer Circle and Sascha at Makeover Room. They also released Ymke, Babet, Judas, and Gabriel at Skin Fair.

Stix – released Aoife, Bo, and Chiyo at Skin Fair.

Ooh-la-licious – released Ajaya at Skin Fair.

Mudskin – released Kira, Lia, and Yum at Skin Fair.

alterego – released Yvette at Skin Fair. No preview provided.
DeeTaleZ – released Kisha, Kim and Kanita as Catwa appliers, Kisha as a Lelutka applier, and Kemina as a Logo applier at Skin Fair.

LoveMe Skins – released Piper, Phoebe, and Paige at Skin Fair.

la petite morte – released Minka with Lelutka at Skin Fair.

Shine – released Lelu Sensual, Sensitive, and Harlem at Skin Fair.

Imabee – released Charlotte at Skin Fair.

Fallen Gods – released TAO at Skin Fair.

Lumae – released Eirtae in both natural and fantasy tones at Skin Fair.

League – released Aria for SLink Visage at Skin Fair.

YS&YS – released Grace, Bella, &Xiao at Skin Fair.

Swallow – released Miriam as a Lelutka applier, Lucy for LOGO/Omega, and Simon Senior and Junior for TMP at Skin Fair.

TheSkinnery – released Celine and Grace as Catwa and Logo appliers at Skin Fair.

Nivaro – released Griffin at Skin Fair.

Labyrinth – released Fox at Skin Fair.

Elysium – released Candace at Skin Fair. No preview provided.
Akeruka – released the Julia mesh head at their mainstore location.

Glam Affair – released Triss in Jaimaica at The Liaison Collaborative, Livia Catwa appliers at Collabor88, and Jin Lelutka appliers at Skin Fair.

As promised, your Skin Fair details:

…and that is the skinny, Skinnies!
Remember, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. https://app/group/254db099-7966-1350-5766-c977fb2da5b3/about
Have fun skinning!
<3 Muse