Skin Addiction is hosting its very first photo contest in celebration of 3000 members and their new headquarters! The title of the contest is: “Comfortable in My Skin”, which may be interpreted however you wish, as long as the picture remains PG and you are wearing a skin (any skin) from one of Skin Addiction’s designers! Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The contest is open to anyone who is a member of the Second Life group, Skin Addiction. The contest runs May 4th through May 18th, with a party where winners will be announced on the 20th of May.
How to participate:
-Join inworld group Skin Addiction (MUST be a member)
-Take your photo wearing a skin from one of the group’s designers (new or old, doesn’t matter)
-Post picture to Flickr group “Skin Addiction“ (you must own the rights to the photo, or have permission by photographer to use in contest)
-Tag the photo “comfortableinmyskin contest” (if it’s not tagged properly it will be ineligible)
-State in the description of the photo what skin you are wearing and a working slurl to shop, as well as your full SL name
-Only 2 photos will be accepted (submit any more and we will consider only the first two).
-Photos MUST be PG–NO full nudity!
-The winning pictures, as well as a few others will be chosen to showcase in world at the Skin Addiction’s headquarters.
By submitting your photo to the contest, you are agreeing with these terms.
May 4th contest opens to submission
May 18th contest closes
May 20th winners announced at the opening party of Skin Addiction’s Headquarters
1st Place
Style by Kira-any 5 single skins
Idiosyncrasy-Fatpack of choice
Fhang Candy-never been released fatpack
Chain and Vine-one of a kind skin in 4 tones
Target-1 skin
Natural Beauty-one of kind skin in 3 tones
Filthy-1 male or female fatpack
Zanzo-400L voucher
!Imabee-2 skins of choice
League-5995L Gift Voucher
Blush Skins-2990L Gift Card
Skin Within-any 1, 6 skin set of choice
Re.Birth-Fatpack & 3 tattoo layer options+unique skin and shape
Pink Fuel-one of a kind custom makeup in any PF skin of choice
HD 3 skins
Grixdale-Fatpack & makeup of choice
ESUGA-1 skin
fashionably dead-fatpack
Jesylilo-3 skins
Dernier Cri
The Sea Hole-Fatpack of the Sea Hole Fascination skin & shape + 1000L
Lelutka-Fatpack of their choice with 1 set of lashes and 1 hair
Iren-3000L gift card
Glam Affair
2nd Place
Style by Kira-any 3 single skins
Idiosyncrasy-2 skins of choice
Zanzo-400L voucher
League-3995L Gift Voucher
Blush Skins-799L Gift Card
Re.birth-3 skins & 2 tattoo layer options
HD 3 skins
Cupcakes-3 skins
Grixdale-outfit & makeup of choice
Jesylilo-2 skins
Dernier Cri
The Sea Hole-500L gift card
Lelutka-4 skins of choice
Iren-1500L gift card
Glam Affair
3rd Place
Style by Kira-any single skin
Idiosyncrasy-1 skin of choice
Zanzo-400L voucher
League-1195L Gift Voucher
Blush Skins-499L Gift Card
Re.Birth-1 skin & 1 tattoo layer
HD 3 skins
Cupcakes-1 skin
grixdale-outfit of choice
Jesylilo-1 skin
Dernier Cri
The Sea Hole-500L gift card
Lelutka-1 skin of choice
Iren-500L gift card
Glam Affair