Hellooo Skinnies! Another late post of skin shopping goodness all in one super duper blog post for your lazy shopping pleasure. Enjoy!

October’s 4Seasons – Released Alisha in Blossom at her mainstore location.

O4S - Alisha Blossom Advertisement

7 Deadly s{K}ins – Released Shane for the Saving Sight Fundraiser event.


Egozy – released Faiza and Nayenda in their marketplace store.

EGOZY I Faiza EGOZY I Nayenda

Modish – releaesd Ritta for the Catwa mesh head.
!Ritta skin applier for Catwa head

Lumae – Released Adore in Petals for Lazy Sunday at their mainstore location and also released Niska i Petals at My Attic.

Lumae - Adore - Petals (LS) Lumae - Niska - Petals (MyAttic)

Swallow – released Raphael at Cosmopolitan Showroom.

^^Swallow^^ Raphael. ^^Swallow^^ Raphael

WoW Skins – Released Anais and Fatma Catwa head appliers. They also released Susse a complete avatar at the SWANK event.

.__WoW Skins__. Anais CATWA Applier .__WoW Skins__. Fatma CATWA Applier .__WoW Skins__. Susse COMPLETE AVATAR

Mudskin – Released Violette for the Lelutka head at The Cosmopolitan Showroom.


AlterEgo – Released Tiana for the Catwa head.

alterego I tiana caramel - catwa applier alterego I tiana powder - catwa applier

Mystic Canvass – Released Zombie Girlie Skin at their mainstore location.


Deesses  Boutique – Released Loree at Fashion Fair.

Deesses Boutique - Loree skin @Fashion Fair

Also, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. Skin Addiction

Don’t forget! If you miss an opportunity to visit one of the events listed below, before they close, you can  stop by the main store locations to see if the releases will be an in store item afterwards.

That is all for this week Skinnies! I’ll be here next week with more skin news.

Happy Skinning!

Muse <3


Egozy at Skin Fair 2014

Phenomenol Woman

Egozy has release two new skins for Skin Fair 2014. Shown here is Anjuli. Each skin pack comes in 6 skin tones and includes two natural skins in bright and soft (meaning one is more burnished than the other), two lip glosses, four eyebrow colors, hairbases, and several cleavage options. She also includes mesh ears and all of the standard appliers.

Phenomenol Woman

Skin: Egozy.Anjali (Canelle).SOFT with Egozy.Anjali.Hairs Chestnut.(Add)(Canelle) by Nicole Button for Egozy, available at Skin Fair 2014 (Sim 2) *

Want more info? Check out A Passion for Virtual Fashion!

Skin Addiction