Here is the skinny on your skins, Skinnies! All your new skin news from October 30th through November 5th, cataloged and filed for your easy perusing pleasure by yours truly. Enjoy the sweet taste of addiction!

Birth – Released the handsome North at their mainstore location.

_Birth_ North Skin Advert

Izzie’s – Released Victoria as Lelutka appliers and has a Sick Willis as a November group gift. All at their mainstore location.

Izzie's - LeLutka Appliers Victoria AD Izzie's - VIP Group Gift November 2015 (Sick Willis Skin)

ND/MD – Released a Little Devil full avatar.

ND_MD Cuties Little Devil @ Firestorms- Spooky Nights Hunt-

Paper Rabbit – Released Willow at their mainstore location.

Willow - Base Skin Tones Display

DeeTaleZ – Released Kim Lelutka appliers at their mainstore location.


October’s 4Seasons – Has a new group gift out called Scorpio Mistress of Seduction.

O4S - November Group Gift Scorpio

That is all your skin news for the week, addicts.

Remember, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. https://app/group/254db099-7966-1350-5766-c977fb2da5b3/about

See you here next week, same place. Happy shopping!

Muse <3

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Skin Addiction