Hello Skinnies! New week, new roundup of skin addiction goodness. Go shopping!

Deesses Boutique – Released limited edition Chyna at their mainstore location.

Deesses Boutique_ Chyna _LIMITED EDITION_ Skin

October’s 4Seasons – Released Alisha in Blossom at her mainstore location.

O4S - Alisha Blossom Advertisement

WoW Skins – Released Fatma V2 at their mainstore location and Diva V2 at The 24.

.__WoW Skins__. V2 Fatma .__WoW Skins__. V2 Diva

Ooh-la-licious – Released Candy Girl in twelve skin tones at The 24.

Ooh-la-licious Skins - Candy Girl Honey Ad

LoveMe Skins – Released Penny at Designer Circle, Tasha at The Black Dot Project, and Fei for the Makeover Room.

LoveMe Skins - Penny Skin LoveMe Skins - Tasha Skin for The Black Dot Project LoveMe Skins - Fei Skin For Makeover Room

Mudskin – released a new Lelutka face at Shiny Shabby (no preview available).

YS&YS – releaesd Lelutka and LOGO versions of Noemi at Shiny Shabby. They also released exclusive versions of Erika at The Dressing Room Fusion.

ad_noemi_lelutka_01 ad_noemi_logo_01

vendor_erika2_fashion_tdr   vendor_erika4_fashion_tdr vendor_erika3_fashion_tdr

Lumae – released Niska i Petals at My Attic.

Lumae - Niska - Petals (MyAttic)

Mudskin – Released the Deflin gacha at Lost and Found and Cindy Lelutka appliers at Shiny Shabby.

Delfin AD Cindy AD1

DeeTaleZ – Released Amanda and Monique at their mainstore location.

Amanda Monique

Verve – Released Amber at their mainstore location.

Verve Amber Make Up Sheet

Tuli – Released Luna at The Fantasy Collective (no preview provided).

Belleza – Released Eva for FLF at their mainstore location (no preview provided).

Also, you can get these notices in group and have access to one of the most helpful groups in SL and their knowledge base by joining the Skin Addiction group in world for free. Skin Addiction

Don’t forget! If you miss an opportunity to visit one of the events listed below, before they close, you can  stop by the main store locations to see if the releases will be an in store item afterwards.

That is all for this week Skinnies! I’ll be here next week with more skin news.

Happy Skinning!

Muse <3

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Skin Addiction