LOVIT is introducing the Katie avatar today. The new Katie kit has a FirstLook product that’s free ( almost.. 6 lindens..) for Skin Addiction group members. The kit contains three makeup themes with a dozen skins to handle teeth presentation and cleavage options. It’s a complete kit with a limited edition shape, specifically designed for Skin Addiction. There are also four pairs of LOVIT eyes from Lottie, Audra, and Nessa product lines. The skins offer a couple of lip finishes and shadows. I’d love to hear from any reviewers and you can visit the LOVIT blog. http://LOVIT-avatars.com.
Finally… there are some prim nipples.. a nice tattoo.. Day at the Beach has pubic hair, lashes and tan lines on a tattoo layer. And.. we always give out a really nice pose stand with fifty poses and a subtle face light… So, all in all… A FirstLook kit is a taste of more to come.. and we’ll flesh out Katie as a premium kit with mesh support and twenty makeups…. eventually…
Here’s where you can get the product.
Tell me what you think..
CathyAmyA Neuport